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Intuitive Life Coaching & Akashic Record Review

Strategic Support For Taking The Leap From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be!
My coaching services are performed within a profoundly intentional energy field, to align with the Unconditional Healing Love and Wisdom offered to all beings equally by the Source. With your written and verbal permission, I connect with your Higher Self and Akashic Records to guide each session (click here to learn more about Akashic Records). You will prepare up to seven questions before each coaching session, which will guide our focus and reinforce your intentions and goals.
These questions will give us a clear agenda. Your questions inform your Higher Self and me about what you are ready to receive and allow for your maximum healing benefit.
What You Can Expect
One or more of the following three outcomes can be expected in an Intuitive Life Coaching Session with me, along with any additional desires and direction from you and your Higher Self. I maintain a strong intention for a holistic coaching experience, which will enhance your growth opportunities on the Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual levels (PEMS).

Viewing the Big Picture
This inspired viewpoint can facilitate a “leap” in consciousness and helps you map an empowered path to your desired outcomes. You will receive insights revealing the BIG picture of your evolutionary and healing path at this stage in your life journey. Many times “ah-ha moments” are sparked in relationship to lifelong patterns you may not have been aware of. Receiving this insight feels a little bit like flying above your life like an eagle, to gain a higher vision and a new perspective on your life.
Tools and Practices to Support You on Your Path
This is where intuitive life coaching meets the road of day–to-day living. Specific practical tools, and practices—inspired by our mutual discoveries and by your Higher Self—will be suggested for ongoing self-directed support to achieve your desired changes, healing and growth. These often allow for both short-term and long-term application. You will leave each session with a clear plan of action and practices to increase your well-being on every level (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) and move closer to your goals and intentions.

Opportunity for True Healing

Your Higher Self determines your “readiness level” for True Healing of the mind, the subconscious mind, emotions, and on occasion, physical healing as well. (Click here to learn more about True Healing & Akashic Records)
True Healing addresses the causative level of any imbalance or limitation, not only the noticeable symptoms of such imbalances. True healing, on any level, is often experienced through an increased feeling of peace, well-being, clarity of purpose, joy, more energy and strength. My coaching, joined with your stated intentions and willingness, facilitates all healing opportunity; however healing is actually performed by Spirit/Source and your Higher Self.
“You will feel safe and at ease with Jennavieve “JJ” Joshua. She is a spiritual intuitive who moves effortlessly between
the worlds of spirit and matter and practical applications. She is an experienced coach, very personable, compassionate, empathetic and fun. You will feel like you are with your best friend, only better, because Jennavieve has the tools to help you release whatever is blocking your way to a happier healthier life!”
~JDS, Author, and Newspaper Executive, Business Owner