Video Blog
Video Blog
Intuitive Life Coaching, Training, Consulting, Personal and Professional Breakthroughs

More Value Than I Ever Expected
“I got a lot more value from my session with JJ than I ever expected! The subject I came to her for turned out to be just the tip of the iceberg. Now after my session with her, and doing the simple assignments she gave me, that entirety of that cold, dense iceberg that was hidden painfully from me, is in the light and is nearly completely melted into clean, healing water! I feel lighter and freer now that I have worked with JJ Joshua! “
~PJK, Photographer

Intuitive Life Coaching with Akashic Record Review
Executive Life Coaching for Values Driven Business Leaders
Heal Your Habits Heal Your Life Coaching and Strategies
Consulting, Coaching and Training Services for Businesses
Corporate Spiritual Advisor
Lifestyle Support for Highly Sensitive People (HSP)
Lifestyle Support for Healing and Helping Professionals
Forgiveness Training and Support to Clear Guilt and Shame
Soul Chakra Clearing and Balancing to Enhance Well-Being on All Levels
Release Toxic Overlays from Cultural, Family, Religious or Institutional Influence
Soul Level Preparation for Marriage and New Partnerships
Soul Level Divorce, Partnership Dissolution and Grief Release
Home/Office/Land Clearing and Balancing—On-Site and Remote
Sacred Confessional to Release Deep Shame or Guilt
Custom Spiritual Practice Designed by Your Higher Self
Intentional Living and Personal Development Seminars and Workshops :

The Worthiness Way Seminar Series for Individuals and Businesses
Heal Your Habits Heal Your Life Seminar Series
The Intentional Edge Seminar Series for Individuals and Businesses
Winter Blues Buster (90 minute tele-seminar)
Spiritual Hygiene for the Healing and Helping Professionals
Spiritual Hygiene for Highly Sensitive People (HSP)
Custom Workshops Developed for Your Group or Business