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Video Blog

How Others Have Been Served On Their Path
Life Changing
“Working with Jennavieve Joshua has been a life changing experience. JJ’s intuition combined with her practical guidance and her loving heart, has enabled me to walk through my darkest of times. She guided me through an extremely difficult divorce, being penniless, raising a severely autistic child—to now being a world renown speaker, having spoken several times at the United Nations, author of two books, and founder of The Miracle Project (a groundbreaking theater program for all abilities featured in an Emmy winning documentary).
I have taken risks with my life because of JJ’s guidance and support and I have learned how to let go of negative habits and thinking because of JJ’s uncanny wisdom and profound practices. Lucky you to begin your journey with JJ!”
~EGFH, Author, Inspirational Speaker, Creator of The Miracle Project, Autism and Inclusion Activist
Valuable Guidance Through a Painful Time
“Through the heights and the depths of my journey in this lifetime, I have never met anyone like Jennevieve Joshua. She is more than a coach, or therapist, or guide, or even angel. I am sure she must be a master, perhaps finishing some final classes and requirements before her ascension. Her connection to the other realm comes with such ease and her understanding of the universe and its workings is so incredibly vast. There isn’t an issue or a question she can’t solve, or at least shine a bright light of truth on. With her ability to access and decipher my Akashic records and communicate with my guides, she has facilitated me through one of the most painful and challenging stages of my life. I am still alive and now want to live as a result of her love and support and guidance. I would recommend her to anyone wanting truth, as that is what JJ offers and that truth is the only thing that sets us free.”
~CN, Artist, Author, Event Coordinator
Release of Old Anxiety and Living in Joy
“I met Jennavieve in 2001 and the last 14 years have been life changing for me. I highly recommend Jennavieve; your life will change for the better! With Jennavieve’s help and the love of Spirit, I am a new person—living most days in JOY that I could not have dreamed of in my life before this work!
Jennavieve’s guidance and support have changed my life for the better with her fun, kind, loving and understanding sessions, her radiant spirit comes through every time. I look back on my life and cannot believe the pain and anxiety I lived with before working with Jennavieve. When I count my blessings, she is always on my list!”
~SBHG, Business Owner, Professional Artist, Devoted Mom

Shedding New Light On Old Ground
Like a Day Spa For Your Soul
“JJ is a bundle of joy, inspiration and worthiness. She brings her full heart to each interaction. After a session with JJ, I feel a sense of renewed peace and clarity—like a trip to a day spa, or a chiropractor for your mind and soul. JJ is a cheerleader for the light inside of all of us. You leave feeling renewed, inspired, and on track, with exercises to continue down the path of well-being and worthiness.”
~SRWR, Graphic Designer, Corporate Engagement Specialist and Mom
Transformed My Fears
“JJ’s sessions stand out as the essential catalyst for my transformation and spiritual evolution. She is a conduit to a wealth of wisdom and love. JJ provided insights and awareness—and most importantly, a broader perspective on reoccurring issues in my life. Through her work, I have literally transformed my fears and concerns into understanding and forgiveness. My relationships in work, with others and myself have taken on a depth and joy unlike I had experienced before (in this go-round anyhow!). Having participated in a myriad of healing modalities, all of which were conduits on the path of growth, there was a striking change in my relation to the world following our Akashic cleansing. My shield lowered, my heart opened, and the chip on my shoulder is (nearly) gone.”
~TSR, Spirit, Seeker, Adventurer
Navigating Life Changes
“I have worked with Jennavieve Joshua for nearly a decade. Her amazing spiritual insights, practical counsel and intuitive guidance have helped me navigate major life challenges that included two bouts with cancer, four job changes, and a move that took me away from my family and across the ocean. She has given me the tools and courage to face down fear and choose joy—even in the most trying times. And more than anything else, in both her own example and through her rooted guidance, she has taught me the meaning and power of grace.”
~PH, Writer, Large Projects Director
Previously Unseen Pathways
“JJ is breathtaking, insightful, fun, powerfully loving, transformational, healing, challenging, affirming and down to earth practical! JJ combines a deep understanding of the corporate, psychological and spiritual worlds to take a holistic approach to healing and personal transformation. It is with great compassion, intuition, wisdom and passion that she is able to help one find their true soul, and to shine a light on previously unseen pathways forward.”
~JMS, Executive Director of a Global Service Organization

Merging The Mystical With The Mundane
Healing Miracles Occur
“I have worked with Jennavieve since I was 12 years old. Through our work, I have been able to gain valuable insight and wisdom, helping me to thrive in every area of my life. I highly value JJ’s intuitive and gentle guidance as she sets a sacred space for growth, healing and miracles to occur. She truly captures the essence of each session allowing for profound change to take place. She is an irreplaceable gem in the world. I am now in my mid-twenties. I am so grateful to have Jennavieve as my spiritual life coach, always in my corner, to support me though all of life’s challenges and changes! To gift yourself the opportunity to work with JJ is gifting yourself with freedom.”
~TSB, PSYCH-K Facilitator, Professional Dance Instructor
It Just Works!
“You do not have to understand how she does what she does. She has a presence. It just works! I respectfully tip my hat to Jennavieve, for how she has contributed to my success and my life in countless and remarkable ways.”
~BRM, Franchisee Director for Health and Healing Services, Business Owner
More Value Than I Ever Expected
I got a lot more value from my session with JJ than I ever expected! The subject I came to her for turned out to be just the tip of the iceberg. Now after my session with her, and doing the simple assignments she gave me, that entirety of that cold, dense iceberg that was hidden painfully from me is in the light and is nearly completely melted into clean, healing water! I feel lighter and freer now that I’ve worked with JJ Joshua!
~PJK, Photographer, Website Developer, Tree Advocate
Tapping Into Another Level to Solve Problems
“JJ has been my spiritual life coach for over twenty-five years. Her value grows richer for me through time. She is inspirational, informative, constructive, positive and VERY practical. JJ weaves words and information together to give a sense of both problems and possibilities. Einstein told us that you can’t solve problems at the same level of thinking from which they were created. JJ taps another level to give a sense of how to solve life’s challenges.”
~SD, Corporate Trainer, Spiritual Instructor, Minister, Musician
Your Very Own Wizard of Oz
“JJ brings clarity to any conundrum, a peaceful perspective to problems, and wisdom to any situation where there is uncertainty or confusion. JJ has many gifts and invaluable inner resources she shares with grounded generosity to all who seek her guidance. She is like having your very own Wizard of Oz, but without the drama or the curtain hiding who she really is. JJ is a lifetime, devoted student of living with integrity, intention, clear boundaries and love. I have found her guidance to be a lifeline.”
~CH, Homeopathic Practitioner, Lawyer
High Growth For A Corporate Team
“As a business owner, one of my first choices is to determine what we will value as an organization, our own unique driving values. A primary value I established for my organization was that we create an environment where the team could bring their ‘whole selves’ to work—their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects. I refer to this as PEMS. Working with JJ as been a high-growth experience for me to ensure that I live in balance and strength as I grow personally and grow this company within the ever-changing climate of international business.
JJ has also served as a life coach within our organization offering individual coaching sessions and custom seminars to my staff. In 2014 we implemented the Worthiness Way Project with the intention to heal and let go of that which does not serve us any longer such as, thoughts, undermining patterns, and limiting beliefs. The Worthiness Way Project has freed my team up to grow and experience work and life in ways they never thought possible. JJ has served as a valued consultant to me for over seventeen years. I earnestly recommend JJ’s work to any leader choosing to create a highly intentional and values driven business culture. Thanks JJ!”
~CTR, Founder and CEO of Global Corporate Consulting and Training Firm, Author
Finally Completed My PhD
In pursuit of my doctorate degree in education from Teachers College, Columbia University, I was greatly aided by the many self-management tools Jennavieve taught me. She helped me hold the vision for completion of my dissertation and graduation under great personal and professional stress to complete a goal I had held for over a decade. She helped me make this dream come true while simultaneously managing a very demanding career. Her unique methods activated a determination in me that I had thought no longer existed.
~JR, Corporate Training and Developer
Rapid Progress
“One of JJ’s many gifts is her ability to see deeply what it is that I am trying to achieve. She guides without telling me what to do. She gently stops me from running into drama which can often derail people making progress toward their dreams. She is a gifted listener, an intuitive soul and a highly intelligent practitioner. I have made the most progress in my personal growth and healing in the shortest time thanks to Jennavieve Joshua.”
~ MLB, Corporate Trainer, Comedian

We All Need A Little Help Sometimes,
Seeing The Forest For The Trees
Finding Healthy Boundaries
“JJ is Fun! Accurate! Intuitive! Insightful! A Fabulous Coach!!!
JJ helped me discover depths of my being that I was not aware of. She gave me language for recognizing patterns of past life influences that had a negative effect on me. I now make better choices because JJ showed me the cost of my lack of boundaries. JJ makes learning and healing fun. She coaches with forgiveness and is an example of the power of self-love.”
~SA, Artist and Movement/Life Coach
Unlocking Deeply Held Guilt and Unworthiness
“I have been working with JJ for almost nine years now and I have found her wisdom and guidance to be extremely valuable. She has the insight and ability to go to the heart of the matter at hand and see beyond it. I have experienced much greater clarity and inner peace from the practices she shares based on these insights. I have grown beyond my dreams of what I thought I could be. Jennavieve has helped me to unlock and release deeply held beliefs of unworthiness and guilt that no longer serve, or have ever served, any useful purpose. Thank you JJ for all your help and guidance.”
~RY, Corporate Trainer, Sales
Well Worth the Time and Money
“JJ’s services are well worth the time and money. She has an easy sense of humor that keeps it all grounded. Her access to helping people comes from her unique and grounded connection to Spirit and the “hardball” of life.
A friend suggested I talk with this “healer” about some deep anxiety I was experiencing. I felt like I was sophisticated in meditation, emotional work and therapy, but I was interested to see what would be brought to the surface.
Part way into our first session Jennavieve said, “There’s a cloud over you about your brother’s death. We can dissolve that now.” I was more than suspicious. After forty years of working on this issue, I believed it to be gone. She said, “We’ll see.” I had been hanging on to this heavy guilt since I was a child. It was holding me down like a low ceiling. After JJ’s clearing it was lifted. I actually experienced a more spacious feeling. I am not normally one of those people who feels things like that, but I sure did that morning. The pressure of that “low ceiling” has not returned.
Jennavieve helped me shift my values and priorities dramatically, and touched something that was true for me that I hadn’t yet recognized. Life is simpler for me these days and Jennavieve has saved me time getting to where I want to go.”
~DAB, Actor, Acting Coach, Painter, Surfer and Life Adventurer
Feel Safe and At Ease
“Jennavieve Joshua is a spiritual intuitive who moves effortlessly between the worlds of spirit and matter and is someone who you will feel safe and at ease with. She’s an experienced coach, very personal, personable, compassionate, and empathetic. You will feel like you are with your best friend, only better, because Jennavieve has the tools to help you release whatever is blocking your way to a happier healthier life!”
~JDS, Author, Newspaper Executive
Help With Letting Go
JJ is supportive, insightful, loving, inviting, proactive, encouraging, trustworthy and so very wise. As rough as I may feel prior to a session, I ALWAYS hang up feeling freer because I was able to let go of old toxic feelings that I was holding onto. In every session, JJ arms me with tools to help me go back to my day-to-day life with a doable plan of action. She encourages me to express my feelings and helps me get to the root of what is going on. Her sessions help me to completely shift my mindset, even when I feel the lowest of low, all of that in just an hour. She is simply amazing.
~RSL, Marketing and Organizational Consultant
A True Gift
The hard part is to put in just a few words all that JJ has meant to my organization and me. She is a true gift—an angel. I am grateful for how her presence and council has helped me become who I am.
~DK, CEO, Author, Corporate Consultant and Facilitator
Staying Grounded All These Years
I participated in Jennavieve Joshua’s teleconference on the importance of approaching life from a “grounded” perspective. I was two weeks out from major surgery to replace my left hip. I was floating from the effects of narcotics at the time and was temporarily quite ungrounded!
Two pearls that JJ shared have really stuck with me and have helped me regain my balance (which requires getting both feet firmly on the ground!). First, I was moved by her definition of grounding: “Grounding is the act of consciously conducting life force. Grounding is a commitment to life itself.” The second gem was the power of saying one’s name aloud and how that provides an immediate connection to a given time and place. I find it to be the most powerful grounding technique I use. Once again, JJ’s work provided something practical, loving and profoundly useful.
~SP, Writer, Educator, Grant Writer

Together We Find Hidden Doorways
Clarity and Spirit
Step Into the Driver’s Seat with Joy
JJ is encouraging, inspiring, and a touchstone for what really matters. I have been able to become more confident in my strengths so that I can be of greater service to the world. There is no curve ball life can throw at me that I can’t knock out of the park based on the tools and processes JJ has shared with me. I am realizing my potential in ways I never thought possible and I make no excuses or apologies for trusting the choices I make. I’m more gentle with myself and full of intention.
JJ has helped me tap into a level of knowing myself in such a way that I’ve stepped into the driver’s seat, live life with joy and am no longer on the sidelines. I will always trust that as long as I am pure in my intentions, I will be supported in all that I do with the most abundant love from the life I’ve created and the world around me. JJ’s insight, guidance and tools are truly transformational.
~PWV, Corporate Trainer, Consultant
Best Investment I Have Ever Made
My life has never flowed better than it does now. I feel great! JJ has guided me to insights that are beyond life changing. I am much more at peace and the happiest I have ever been. Working with JJ, over many years continues to be the best investment I have ever made!
~DRB, Financial Services Professional, Business Owner
Support for Corporate Sales
“Working in sales requires stamina, optimism, gratitude, and an ability to begin each day anew. My work with JJ over the past four years has strengthened each of these traits, as well as my ability to recognize the joy in my work even during challenging circumstances. She has given me so many valuable tools that have served me both inside and outside of the office. JJ’s ability to see the big picture and always find the human connection, combined with her valuable gift of “sight” and experience in the corporate world, have greatly enriched my life.”
~KV, Corporate Sales
Opened My Mind
“JJ has been an inspiration to work with, warm, friendly, loving, thoughtful and tenacious. She has opened my mind, made me more tolerant and helped me understand things in a way that enhances my thinking and outlook. I am eternally grateful.”
~JMA, International Learning Consultant, Walker of the English High Country

Supporting You on Your Path to Higher Ground
Twenty Years Later and Still Using the Tools
“I was a student of Jennavieve Joshua’s program The Inner Game of Facilitation over 20 years ago and was privileged to go on to teach it to other facilitators. Now many years later I am proud to say that the training I received is still very much alive and used almost daily in my work! I am a facilitator, speaker, and coach who supports people in their professional and personal development. The insights and tools from the Inner Game, and JJ’s unique perspective have consistently empowered me personally and in my work with clients. She helps you feel safe to grow and heal! JJ’s ongoing coaching over the years has been a treasured resource as I navigate the up and downs of life!
I am confident that whether I am facilitating an event, a training, teleconference, or meeting, I am conscious of attending to the details that will create a safe environment for maximum learning, participation and growth. The Inner Game of Facilitation training I had with Jennavieve has been valuable beyond words and has impacted thousands that have received the benefits of this singular training. ”
~RBM, Networking Expert and Business Owner
Aha Moments!
“My work with JJ has brought about several ‘aha!’ moments in my life, both personal and professional. Her gentle, open-minded approach helps create a safe space to face challenges and deal with what might be holding you back. Her warmth and compassion is infectious —I always feel better after a session with JJ!”
~JK, Corporate Training

Aha Moments Abound!
Workshop Participant Feedback
One of the best presenters I have ever experienced!
She creates a sparkling learning environment! Obviously she is a very experienced facilitator and her love of helping others shines through bright and strong. Lots of fun aha moments!
Amazing how she weaves together the mystical and the mundane for a very practical and fun seminar experience.
You do not want the workshop to end. It is loaded with great stories, practical application and useful handouts for long-term support.
If you have a chance to take any class with JJ, just do it! Any time in her classroom is time well invested in yourself!
It is amazing how much I learned and how much I grew in such a short time!
The information she gave us came from a unique perspective and was profoundly practical. I was fully engaged through the entire daylong seminar, not one dull moment.
Within just a few minutes, I felt safe, inspired, and ready to learn and grow. I walked away with concepts and tools that I know I will use for the rest of my life.